Policies and Procedures
Morning Drop Off/ Afternoon Pickup
Breakfast Procedures
If your child eats breakfast at school, they may arrive as early as 7:30 AM. Breakfast is served from 7:30 AM to 7:50 AM. When you drop them off, they will enter through the Multipurpose Room (MPR) via the parking lot entrance.
If your child does not eat breakfast at school, please plan to arrive at 7:45 AM when the playground opens and is supervised.
Dropoff Procedures
In the morning, you may use our convenient drop-off lanes. When traffic stops, please pull up and drop your child off on the curbside of the lane. It’s important not to wait until you reach the very front, as this can cause congestion. Please remain in your car and ensure that your child exits on the passenger side only.
If you prefer to walk your child to the gate, please park your car and walk with them, using the center island in the parking lot. Always wait until traffic is stopped before crossing, and do not allow your child to cross the parking lot alone. Please use the sidewalks for safety and avoid dropping off in the parking lot.
Please remember to drive safely and slowly in the school parking lot. We understand that mornings can be busy, but our priority is keeping all students, parents, and staff safe.
Pickup Procedures
For kindergarten pick-up, please park in the large parking lot and walk to the kindergarten gate. Teachers will line up the students and release them in order, ensuring a safe dismissal process. Please do not call for your child.
For students in grades 1-5, you’ll need to park and walk to their dismissal line. We do not allow students to walk across the parking lot alone, so please do not call for your child to do so.
While in the parking lot, please keep your children with you at all times. Avoid letting them run ahead to the car or play with toys like balls or Frisbees.
If someone else is picking up your child, please remind them of our school’s policies. They must be listed on your child’s emergency card and have a valid picture ID.
ESP Information
We are fortunate to offer the Extended School Program (ESP) for early morning and after-school daycare. If you’re interested in this service, you can apply online. Just visit wsdk8.us, click on the “PARENTS” tab, then go to the “PROGRAMS” tab and select “ESP.” There, you’ll find the “ESP Online Enrollment” option.
Important Notes
The front office parking lot is reserved for buses and students with physical needs. Please refrain from using this area for drop-off or pick-up unless it’s necessary for your child’s physical requirements.
We have these rules and policies in place to protect all of our students. Your support and diligence in following them help us maintain a safe environment for everyone. Thank you for your cooperation!